We lived in a house in Paris, Ky on a beautiful horse farm. When you drove up to the house you came up to the back door. Some of you knew my mother. She loved to decorate for Christmas and the outside of our house always had some sort of garland with lights strung around it. This particular time my mother decided since we drove up to the back door that she would decorate that too. So in true Jane fashion she got beautiful live garland, wrapped it in white lights and strung it around the doorway (important aside note… the back door had a metal doorframe and doorjamb AND those lights probably had been re-used about 100 times). It looked brilliant. What happened to my sister was brilliant to…well to me anyway…it was hilarious.
It was a cold December day when it happened. We came home and it was raining and cold so we ran for the door. My Mom unlocked the door and hurtled inside and I followed….Annie didn’t. Next thing we hear is a small wail from outside, “muoooommm I can’t get in!!!” followed by Mom saying, “why not ? Get in the house! Its pouring rain out there!” To which Annie pitifully replied, “I can’t get in! The door is shocking me!” At this I about fall over I am laughing so hard, followed by my Mom yelling at me to go open the door so Annie can get in.
Now I can’t say my little sister and I were/are ever really very nice to eachother. We are both hardheaded and stubborn, which usually makes for some epic fights. I went to the door to see what was wrong. I looked outside and there’s Annie standing pitifully in the rain afraid to touch the door. “What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you get in?” comes out in my most taunting voice, because I know she’s telling the truth, but me being me I want to see her do it again. She tells me every time she touches the door it shocks her, so I decide I need to try this (I think this may be some insight into my own stupidity, since it happened to her, I must try and see if its just her or me too. Is this what they call a Psychopath? or sociopath?- doing something over and over expecting a different result) and walk out the door. I turn because its cold and run right back in, no shock. Annie then tries to follow and screams because the door again shocks her. I fall on the floor laughing so hard that I have tears rolling down my face and proceed to go back out and in three times showing her its fine. Then because it’s my mean sister nature begin to taunt more, “ whats wrong with you there is nothing wrong with that door!”
This ends with Annie in tears (and me getting yelled at by our Mom to just let her in the damn house) so, I open the door for her, but just for good measure (because I got scolded by Mom for being mean) I swing the door right as she goes in so she squeeks and has to shoot by.
To this day we still don’t know the reason she was conducting electiricity. I told her it was because she had metal in her brain- which she believed until we were some years older. It was most likely a short because those lights were so old and its a wonder we didn't burn our house down, but every time I tell this story (yesterday in Equine Lab when I was trying to get people into the Tough Mudder) it reduces me to laughing tears.
And since I am still on the Tough Mudder. It looks like we might shape up to have quite a nice team (though more are welcome). Now if I could just get this to happen when I put together a Motley crew to run the HT at Team Challenege.... because inevitably one of us biffs it in show jump (last year it was me) and someone has trouble on cross-country, then someone has a great round and someone withdraws, and while I know this happens with team events all the time, I just wish I could get it right once. :)
Thats all for now. Have a good Friday and make sure you don't get shocked!
signing off~Mandy
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