So I sit here stressing, because that's what I do, stress, a lot. Those of you who know me, know that about me. It's a part of me and I can't help it. I was thinking about what I would share with the world today. I talked to my boss this morning about a scary runaway horse from WEG....I could share that, or the fact that I am hopeful that I can get Mira to a CCI 1* next spring (wishful thinking) and that I hope that allows me to get her to Intermediate in the fall (even farther fetched). Even better I can share the conundrum that is this trip this weekend. I think that might be best to share right now. It'll allow me to get some thoughts on "paper" and talk myself out of this stress. Although, talking about my hopes for my horse would make me feel better- I am feeling a bit selfish right now (It comes from looking at the Galway coverage on Eventing Nation).
Ok, so first I am messy, but I have an organization to my chaos, and no matter where I put things I usually find them. That being said, I like lists. I blame my good friend Liz for this. She makes lists about EVERYTHING. For horse shows, I do a horse list (things they will need) and a people list (clothing I will need). Well, for this Intercollegiate Dressage Show I made a list for my team, so that none of them would forget anything. Apparently this was a source of much laughter because on the list I put, "underthings." I was trying to be politically correct people. Somehow I thought someone (mostly someone higher on the foodchain) would take offense to my putting, "bras, underwear, and socks" on a travel list. I know its far fetched, but sometimes politics can eat you alive so being careful is best. If anyone knows of some better descriptor than, "underthings" please let me know, I'll be happy to oblige, but insofar my team hasn't been able to come up with anything better.
Now, for the vehicle we will be taking this weekend. November 5/6, 2011 is a HUGE weekend for the college. I wasn't aware of this until about three weeks ago when trying to get a fleet vehicle for us to drive to the show. Lets see...Soccer and track have tournaments, basketball has away games, Tri-Beta has a seminar, the IHSA Hunts Seat team has a show, professors have lectures to go to, and hmm I think softball has a game....I'm sure there's someone I missed. For a college who usually checks out one van a weekend, this is massive. So, since my team is new (and small) we are low on the totem pole for fleet requests. We get to take the College's dual wheel, extended cab, Chevrolet 3500 truck. About this truck....I've known this truck since my time as a student. Its khaki colored, so we got it as a deal because the person who ordered it didn't like the color. It has no tailgate because someone (NOT ME) pulled away from the tongue of the gooseneck one time and ripped it off, and now it only has one fender because one of the other coaches was driving it recently and it blew a tire-taking the fender with it. Its an older diesel so it needs to be plugged in when the temperature outside reaches 65 degrees and below and apparently won't start if it gets too cold. So, yesterday I called the hotel we are staying at to see if they have any outside outlets...and the woman argued with me that no car should need to be plugged in (when I explained about diesel vehicles she told me I didn't know what I was talking about) so if we actually get TO the show tomorrow and Sunday it'll be a miracle... btw said woman was not of American diesels may have been foreign to her? And now come to think of it what about all those new hybrid electric cars...shouldn't they have plugs for those too?
And to top everything off, I've never been to Otterbein. We have to compete against some grandaddy programs such as Findlay, Otterbein, and Miami who are all solid when it comes to attracting high level riders. I am SO nervous, but I know my team will do their best. They have been working REALLY hard.
Now I just need to remember to go get a Fleet Card so we can get gas, stop by A/P and get a tax exempt form so we can pay for our hotel, see the Director of our program to get meal and hotel money for the team, find bungees and tarps for the luggage to go in the bed of the truck (because only one fender on a khaki colored truck isn't redneck enough), do one more lesson for two of the girls on the team, pack said truck and make sure we aren't going to lose anything, and get on the road.
So, if you see a one fendered-dual wheel-khaki colored truck driving down the interstate with a bunch of people crammed in it you will know its us. My only words to the girls during the drive will be at the beginning of the trip, "no fighting, screaming, biting, kicking, yelling, snoring, pushing, whining, singing (because I can't either), posting annoying/vulgar things on the windows to other drivers, and in general snottiness towards eachother. And keep your hands to yourself or I WILL turn this thing around." The good news is that my team all gets along pretty well together...we will see if that rings true after 4 hours cramped in the truck...
Wish us luck and interesting stories to follow on Monday...
Signing off~Mandy
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